Holy Encounter

I Am Healed.compressed.jpg

Holy Encounter

As I step over the threshold, I ask to be blessed into kind usefulness each day

As I wash my hands, I ask to be mindful and motivational each day

As I brew my morning tea, I ask to be humble, open, receptive each day

As I take the history, I ask to listen keenly to the story each day

As I recognize the honor, I ask for the courage to be connected each day

As I feel the healing, I ask for the clarity to see the wholeness each day

As I tend the mind-body-spirit, I ask for surrender to the sanctity each day

As I nourish and I flourish, I offer deep gratitude for the privilege each day                                             

My presence, holy moment. My journey, holy labyrinth.

My office, holy space.

My patient, holy encounter
