What is vaginal seeding and does it work ? Is it safe ? BY KIMBERLY RAE MILLER


Microbial seeding at birth: notes from an interview in response to BMJ article questioning safetyQ (Kimberly Rae Miller): Can you speak about the actual process of microbe transfer after a cesarean birth?A (Dr. Eden Fromberg): The process begins before the cesarean section and involves folding a sterile gauze pad accordion style to create a tampon like shape which is then inserted into the mother's vagina to absorb vaginal secretions containing the microbiome. Because prophylactic antibiotics to prevent potential infections may be administered at the time of cesarean section surgery, the gauze must be removed from the vagina and placed in a sterile cup before antibiotics are given. Then, after the baby is born, the gauze pad is unfolded and wiped on the baby's face, lips, mouth, nose, and other areas of the body. This at least partially transfers the mothers microbiome to the baby. Babies born by cesarean section who do not have this type of procedure done will acquire their microbiomes from the skin cells exfoliated by the operating room staff instead of from their mothers' vaginas. Because studies demonstrate that cesarean born babies are statistically more susceptible to asthma and autoimmune diseases, the acquisition of the maternal vaginal microbiome at the time of birth is of great importance. http://www.drozthegoodlife.com/healthy-lifestyle/body/a1299/what-is-vaginal-seeding/