Musings from my Trip To India

July 19,2016The early morning silence of my parents' home greets me in Chennai India, as I wax and wane to the ebb and flow of jet lag.  Today I'm not fighting it. Today I'm embracing the moment and the solitude. A full moon shines in the sky as the vibrant city wakes up to the Hindu festival of Guru Poornima, which honors and respects all teachers, guides, mentors, gurus.I can feel the contrast and the celebration of shadow and light, of darkness and brightness, of enlightenment and ignorance, the beautiful powerful paradox of all that India is and all that is Indian within me.In the last few days I have absorbed the sights and sounds of the land of my heritage, my epigenetics, my ancestry, my history.I have felt the resistance and the rush rise within me as India reminds me that she moves at her own pace.I feel that letting go, that sweet surrender to the color chaos confusion culture community and cohesiveness that is Chennai.I offer prayers of gratitude for all the teachers, all the gurus, all the grace. On this auspicious holy morning, I offer prayers for peace inside, peace outside, peace on earth. The light in me honors the light in you.And I offer this song 'Teacher Divine' that I wrote to remind me that every experience I attract brings me blessings of growth and guidance.#IAmYouYouAreMe #LightDispelsDarkness#WeAreOne#PeaceOnEarth#WeAreLove… August 2, 2016So grateful to be going back to work today after a beautiful vacation with family in India. The saying that one cannot know where one is going unless one knows where one has come from has never felt so true to me as it does this morning. I feel blessed to be able to connect with so many wonderful families and children through the #music#art#clothing#book and #integrative pediatric practice. I am thankful every day for the opportunity to heal and grow and learn and share by being part of these precious journeys with so many in my vibrant local community of St Louis and my extended global facebook family.Today I am holding on to #faith,#hope#love#peace#kindness#grace#gratitude and #purpose. The light in me honors and celebrates the light in each one of you. #IAMYOUYOUAREME #WEAREONE

Hysterectomy Series